'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

Go here to find out more.

Thursday 27 November 2008

Purple to gladden the heart


A close second to blue is my love of purple in the garden.  The gladioli I planted in winter are up and showing their colours.  They are in a large pot just by the steps up to the house so they give me huge pleasure every time I go in and out.  Delicious!


  1. gosh, everything is dead here katherine. I am in the wrong hemisphere :-(

  2. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks so much for the lovely - and most interesting! - comments on me blog. Lovely to meet you through yours too. I love purple! Take care and I'll be back soon,
    Tanvir (Chimera)

  3. Delicious? Good heavens Katherine - you ain't meant to eat them! Stick to kiwi fruit!

  4. gorgeous gorgeous! thanks

  5. I'm with Arthur, we must be in the wrong hemisphere!


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